Scott & LeeRC Law Group

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Hope for Dreamers Update! H.R. 3440 / S 1615: Dream Act of 2017

Currently, DACA has been rescinded.  Procedurally, the executive order issued in 2012 by the prior Administration, had still not been resolved through Congress. President Trump has requested that Congress solve the current problem that over 800,000 children who are now young adults, crossed the border illegally and have no legal status in the United States.


Congress appears to have taken up this call to action as a top priority. The Republicans have proposed that status be granted to young people who have a future plan.  In other words, Dreamers who successfully demonstrate that that they will pursue education, military and be an asset to the U.S. economy and society will be granted status.  Democrats, on the other hand, propose that all Dreamers regardless of goals or plans should be legalized.


The above analysis of the proposed bill(s) is very general and broad. However, the take away point here is that Congress is moving forward, and there is hope. It is left to see which bill will be passed.


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